Tumors of any indication often lead to psycho-oncological stress in the persons concerned. Unfortunately, epidemiological studies conducted to date have not provided sufficient information on what additional stress situations can occur in the course of the different phases of cancer and its treatment and what kind of advice and support is desired by patients. Answering these questions is one of the main goals of Onkotrakt AG’s psycho-oncological register.

Questionnaire QSC-R10 (abbreviated version of QSC-R23, Herschbach et al. 2003) was chosen for this purpose because its clarity and brevity make it suitable for use in a nationwide survey.

In order to systematically record longitudinal effects on psycho-oncological stress, questionnaire QSC-R10 is to be completed by patients with hematologic and solid tumors during different treatment phases. The information is documented digitally using the eCRF.
Initial results concerning patients with breast cancer (Kurbacher et al., 2019) and patients with colorectal carcinoma (Reichelt et al., 2020) have already been published. In addition, the offers of support accepted between the surveys are to be quantitatively evaluated and their potential effect on patient stress analyzed.
The study was accredited in 2016 by the German Cancer Society’s StudyBox.